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Watling View School

Be Kind | Be Safe | Be Responsible

Be the best you can

Late/Absence Procedures

Pupil Absences




If your child is ill please inform the school by telephone the school on 01727 850560. If there is no one available to take your call please leave a message on the answering service. If possible please call between 07:30 hrs and 08:00 hrs 

In line with Herts County Council guidelines, we ask parents and carers not to send in children for 48 hours after they have vomited or 48 hours after vomiting and diarrhoea.




Please inform the school as soon as possible if your child will be attending an appointment which will take them out of school. In the event of a morning appointment we will need to know if you child will be returning to school in time for lunch in order that the usual meal arrangments can be met. If your child will be returning at lunchtime we ask that they have eaten , and you do not bring them to school before 12:45 hrs.




Holidays should not be arranged during term time. If this is unavoidable then you must obtain permission from the head teacher. Requests to take pupils out of school to take holiday must be made in writing with as much advanced notice as possible.


Please note: It is the responsibility of the parents/carers to inform the Transport company of any changes to your usual arrangements.


If your child is absent and we have not heard from you we will call you to find out the reason why your child is absent.  


Good attendance is important to ensure that your child continues to make good progress towards their outcomes.
