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Watling View School

Be Kind | Be Safe | Be Responsible

Be the best you can

w/e 1 December 2023

In Literacy, David was matching the words in the song and then typed the word on the iPad. He was looking for the same word & needed adult support to find him. He was independent typing the letters of each word from the song with the iPad & was very engaged in the activity.

Bailey-Mae can count confidently and was able to match the Numicon with the number symbol.

Zaina was very engaged with exploring the Maths tuff trays & enjoyed exploring the hand gloves. She counted the fingers with verbal and physical prompts. Zaina was able to put the correct number of counters on Numicons up to 5, with verbal prompts.

David had a wonderful time at Burston's Garden Centre's Christmas grotto and enjoyed exploring the different sensory elements. He was able to wait for his turn and enjoyed walking around the garden centre, looking at different lights and Christmassy objects.

Ohen took part in a maths activity. He follows instructions to sit at the table and watched as the adult modelled how to post the ducks into the pipe provided. The adult counted the ducks as they dropped into the water. Ohen looked straight at her as she counted then picked up his own ducks and posted them into the pipe, watching as they dropped into the water.

Ari listened to the 5 little ducks song being sang and independently chose to interact using his toy ducks in the water to go along with the song. Ari did this with the adult a few times and stayed engaged for 10 minutes. The singing was adult led however the interaction and play with the ducks was child led and independent. He had the understanding that he had to minus a duck each time one “didn’t come swimming back”.
