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Watling View School

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Videos of Our Learning

Below you will find some videos of learning that has happened throughout the year. The impact that has been achieved from these videos is that pupils have made progress in their social, life, independence, communication and key skills. 


At Watling View we aim to ensure that learning is pitched at a level that is suitable for each individual and ensures that they make progress throughout all areas of their curriculum. 

Summer Term 2023 - 2024

Self-help and Independence

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Bailey-Mae completed her morning job of taking the lunchboxes to the kitchen with minimal adult support. She collected the lunchboxes and took them to the kitchen independently, only needing prompts to open the door.

Horse Therapy

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Teddy had a very good horse riding therapy session today. He stood behind the barrier looking at horses during the whole session. He did not take a step back when the horse came closer to him. An adult prompted him to stroke the horse and without hesitation he stroked the horse. He looked very content and he was very gentle in his approach. Teddy would still not put the helmet on so unfortunately he couldn’t go on the horse track, but we are working on it so hopefully we will have a positive outcome.

Rebound Therapy

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Ari had a great rebound session. He listened to instructions to climb safely onto the trampoline. He held the teachers hands and followed her lead to bounce and wait. Ari asked for more by gesturing the teacher and as she counted he made eye contact while he waited without bouncing. Ari was smiling during the whole session and listened well when the session finished and when transitioning back to class.


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Ibrahim did well in guided reading today. Ibrahim was practicing using a communication board to request different objects. Ibrahim needed an adult to model using a three word sentence. Ibrahim managed to make a “I want “ sentence with verbal and gestural prompts from the adult. Ibrahim then did it independently. Ibrahim made some of the sounds of the nouns he was requesting Ely “c” in cup. Ibrahim then read a story with the adult. Ibrahim repeated some of the sounds of the words in the story, but mostly just the first syllable. Ibrahim was very engaged with the story, reacting to the scenes. Then practised commenting on the story using the communication board, making a “I see” sentence. Ibrahim needed an adult to model the from the adult. Ibrahim again needed prompts to do it himself. Ibrahim then did it independently. Ibrahim engaged in this activity for about 10 minutes.

Spring Term 2023 - 2024

Physical Development

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Ava spent some time on the ice rink during winter sports day. She walked down to the gym with an adult and accepted support to out her skates on then she joined her mum on the rink. Initially, Ava was needing lots of support to stay upright on her skates but after some practice, she was able to hold onto the penguin and skate independently for short periods of time. Ava seemed to really enjoy the snow machine and each time it went off, Ava said “button” to request more snow.


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William chose to join in with our dance session in class. He got up and started to copy the dancing on the screen. He was vocalising as he danced. Minimum verbal prompting, very engaged throughout.

Subject/Lesson Numeracy

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Saxon was able to estimate how many bears were in each cup then count them out to check. He guessed correctly twice and then guessed six for one cup where there were seven bears. He was very engaged in this task and could estimate well.


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Ava took part in a maths activity. We sang a counting song about spiders and then Ava was encouraged to go to the table to make her own spider with playdoh and lolly sticks. Ava counted out her sticks, looking at the numbers on each one and lined them up in order. Ava noticed number 2 was missing and asked for it. When the adult gave her number 2 she began inserting the sticks into the playdoh in order to make the legs. It took Ava quite a while to come to the table after circle time but when she did come, it was without prompting and she completed the full task.

Communication and Language

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Ohen initiated intensive interaction and held good eye contact throughout. This was child-led as he began to make noises with his mouth and the adult copied him and Ohen specifically watched the mouth movements intently. He was focused on the movement of the mouth and the sounds coming out. Each time the interaction stopped, Ohen used eye contact and vocalisations to initiate more.

Autumn Term 2023-2024

Communication and Interaction

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Abdullah used the ECT / grid player app to select clips which he either chose to extend or curtail using the buttons.

Self Help and Independence

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Zaina helped an adult wash up after food tech with some verbal prompting and support. She listened to the instructions well and was engaged in the task.

Personal, Social and Emotional Development

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James followed instructions to use the interactive white board to choose a song. He smiled and bounced up and down while the song was playing and watched the subtitles very closely.

Personal, Social and Emotional Wellbeing

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Elliot was able to use his communication book to tell me felt ‘happy’ independently.

Physical and Sensory Needs

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During lunch play, Jacob chose to ride the bike. He navigated obstacles and people with ease.

Communication and Language

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Leo was in a happy mood and I began shaking the colourful ribbon and singing to him the rainbow song which he really liked. We then engaged in intensive interaction. Leo gave me good eye contact and was really engaged with me. He smiled and laughed. He also jumped up and down and vocalised clearly showing his enjoyment with the interaction with me.

Social, Emotional and Mental Health

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Ibrahim enjoyed being tickled and gave a voice response to his carer during his massage story.

Cognition and Learning

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Sam was very engaged in mark making activity. He followed the lines to trace circles independently. He looked closely and traced them very neatly using a functional grip.

Self-Help and Independence

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Ari showed an interest in the play-dough set up, he explored all the different colours and play dough cutters. He independently rolled the dough with the rolling pin without prompting and chose a cutter to place on top. He the went on to roll up his own different pieces, coming back to the table to continue with the play with little adult encouragement. He continued this activity for 15 minutes.

Expressive Arts and Design

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The majority of Dandelions class joined in for yoga today. We did some stretches which the adults helped to support with. They particularly enjoyed exploring the massage toys and using the creams.



Brick Club

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The pupils in this video were taking part in Brick Club. The main purpose of these sessions are to facilitate and develop social interaction and communication between peers. In this video you will see that one pupil was happy, using symbols to request different coloured bricks from another pupil. The other pupil was able to match the coloured symbol to the correct colour brick and pass this brick to their peer.


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For snack, this pupil requested biscuit using his ‘I want’ strip independently as well as vocalising his request.

Communication Book.mp4

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This pupil was able to independently request playground using his communication book.

Communication book 2.mp4

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This pupil was able to use his communication book to request help for his shoelace.


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The member of staff was tapping on the branch. She waited for the pupil to move their hands on to the branch before repeating.

Social Interaction

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2 pupils were working closely together on their own drawing. One pupil was then starting to attempt to engage with his peer.

Switch Work

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This pupil was independently able to use the side of her head to activate a switch.

Independence & Creative Thinking

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This pupil used the garden area to creatively role play making different items of food. He was independently able to scoop soil in to different size buckets as well as being able to go over to the tap to fill a jug of water, turning the tap on and off.

Life Skills

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During gardening we had the lawn mower out. This pupil showed an interest as soon as she saw the lawnmower. She needed some adult support in the beginning to be start the mower but after a short period knew she had to the press button to make the mower start whilst an adult pulled the lever at the same time. After some more time The pupil worked out she needed to press the button and pull the levers to start the mower and was able to independently get the mower started.

Key Skills

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This pupil independently took himself to the reading corner and then began looking at the pages in the book and turning the pages of the book.

Independent Thinking

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The pupil knew that by pressing the switch it would cause a reaction.

Writing 1.mp4

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This pupil was able to follow straight dotted lines at different angles and draw over them.

Writing 2.mp4

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This pupil during his leisure time was presented with a range of options and decided that he would like to draw during it.


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This pupil was learning how balance scales are used. She was observing what happened when she added or removed items.


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In his gardening lesson, this pupil was able to take the wheelbarrow to collect a tyre. He was then able to independently take the tyre back to the garden area using the wheelbarrow.

Independence 2.mp4

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This pupil was able to independently use his problem solving skills by using the press switch to open the door and then push the wheelbarrow through the door out to the garden.

Independence 3.mp4

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This pupil had been learning with some support how to climb stairs. She has now learnt how to climb stairs without adult support.

Ind & Problem solve.mp4

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At Forest School, this pupil had communicated that he would like to go in the tunnel. He was able to ask for help and then with some support he was able to climb down the steps into the tunnel.

Cognition and Learning

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Amber preferred to press the red switch activating the elephant. This was her left hand and so future lessons should explore changing this position. Amber can activate a switch to identify herself from a choice of 2 or 3 pictures on the interactive board with increased independence.

Communication and Interaction

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Amber vocally interacted with a TA while playing bubbles in the courtyard. She laughed at the beginning then concentrated on the bubbles and the TA

Communication and Interaction

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Ilias started to play with the bus, moving it backwards and forwards on the table. He then moved to the mats. He moved the mats apart to see what happened when the bus went over the ‘join’. He sustained play for more than 5 minutes.

Self-Help and Independence

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Hayyan came over and showed in interest in the swing, we asked him to wait as his friends were having a turn. He waited and then when it was his turn he sat well on the swing and held on with his hand, a member of staff had to support him from behind, but he had a fantastic time.

Personal, Social and Emotional Well-being

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Jack really enjoyed our outing today. We went to the Range where we looked at and explored their toys, lights and displays. Jack especially enjoyed their lights giggling, smiling and looking around. He stayed engaged throughout our whole visit!

Cognition and Learning

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Teddy smiled as I took the switch toy with the pom poms out and placed it on the table. He pressed the switch and carefully watched the Pom poms go round. He experimented by pushing different items on the switch to make it work


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Teddy went over to the table with the toy house to explore it by opening and closing the doors and windows. He looked carefully at what he was doing. I handed him a cow which he initially mouthed and then tried to place it in the playhouse he placed it in a door but it wouldn’t fit and then placed it on the shelf at the top. Teddy explored the toy house for 10 minutes

Communication and Interaction

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Sami playing a game with an adult, taking turns.

Personal, Social and Emotional Well-being

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Kartik independently pressed the switch to initiate the sound beam . He had four switches to activate . He produced his own rhythm alongside his peer.

Personal, Social and Emotional Wellbeing

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Charles participated in his first rebound session this week. He did very well, it was a new activity for him along with a new member of staff. He listened very well to the instructions throughout and had a great first session!


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During PE today Andrei did lots of PE outside. She went on the outdoor PE equipment, the stepper, the bike and the leg press. He also took part in the parachute and played football with a member of staff. He was. Happy to take part in the lessons and listened well to instructions.

Cognition and Learning

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Reese using the IWB. He is choosing from the different buttons to see different effects. He is doing this independently.

Cognition and Learning

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Levi is now a very confident swimmer. He is able to travel across the pool using just one pair of floating aids. Levi swam the whole length of the pool on his front and is beginning to swim in his back using his arms and legs.

Physical and Sensory Development

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Teddy engaged well with his rebound session this afternoon. He led the session with his gestures and body language, showing the adult what he wanted to do next and using vocalisations to indicate when he wanted to move on. When his session was finished, Teddy followed instructions to get down and put his shoes on.

Communication and Interaction

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Monroe visited the cafe this afternoon. She looked at the menu and made a choice of what she wanted to eat. Monroe exchanged money for the item she chose and sat down at a table to eat it.

Cognition and Learning

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During Literacy, Eman’s learning was to continue practicing his writing. He was given different sheets of paper with tracing words, then only writing the first letter then tracing the rest, then finally writing out the words independently. If Eman realised he had made a mistake he would go back and rectify his error and write it out again.

Self-Help and Independence

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This afternoon Jannah took the class register off the visual timetable to walk to the office and do the class register. Once she got to the office, she called out to anyone that was there as nobody came straight away. When she showed Sarah, Sarah went through each student with Jannah to see who was in school and who was at home.

Cognitive - Time

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James elected to use the interactive board to reflect on his day using the ‘things I did well’ screen.


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Andrei used the interactive board to write letter shapes, guided by green and red dots he was able to place his finger and follow the prescribed pattern.

Cognition and Learning

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Maisie has been working on recognising and writing her name during morning work. She is now able to match each letter independently and can identify the letter M. When focused and with an adult prompting, Maisie is able to trace the letters correctly however if working independently she will draw circles.

Cognition and learning

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Zain used a number grid to count. He started off counting to 10 and with adult modelling he was able to follow the numbers. Then with adult modelling to count to 20 he could then follow up to 20 independently. Then with increased concentration and focus he followed the number grid to 30, slower and more carefully.

Communication and Interaction

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Monroe had lots of fun at Forest School. She took the adult by the hand to lead her around the path. She then began to walk ahead and when there was a choice of directions the adult asked ‘Which way?’ to which Monroe replied ‘This way’ and pointed in the direction of the way she wanted to go. She found a small piece of bark which she carried with her. She was asked ‘What have you got?’, she didn’t respond so the adult said ‘small bark’ which Monroe then repeated. She then enjoyed playing chase along the path.

Personal, Social and Emotional Wellbeing

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I was sitting by the table when Reese came independently and sat with me. He was making eye contact and vocalising.
We transitioned to the floor and continued the 1-1 there. At some point Reese had his back towards me, but remained closed putting his cheek near my face.
Eventually he sat on the chair but pushed it towards me, here he kept vocalising and I imitated some of his movements.

The II lasted approximately 10-12 minutes. It ended organically when Reese stood up from the chair and went somewhere different in the room.

Communication and Interaction

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During PE session Eva watched Her peer throw tennis balls from far and then she took herself to his mat and vocalised happily with him. Eva then grabbed a ball and threw it to him. Eva interacted with her peer independently with no verbal or physical adult support. Eva initiated herself to interact with her peer.

Physical and Sensory Development

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Levi participated independently in our carnival performance - he danced to the music and played his shakers to the music.

Physical or Sensory Development

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Amber was able to consistently show signs of curiosity and investigation during a range of activities in class and to lift her head while being over the wedge.