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Watling View School

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World Book Day

The students thoroughly enjoyed participating in a variety of activities for World Book Day, that were linked to our theme of 'Books turned into Musicals'. They:

- were immersed in a 'Wizard of Oz' sensory story with Laura

- had the opportunity to participate in a 'Mary Poppins - flying high' session in the Gym with Sally where they climbed apparatus and had lots of fun using the parachute

- enjoyed participating in a dramatic Musical performance workshop with James and Miral

- went 'Into the Woods' with Flow, exploring the sensory garden and used their imagination to make 'potions'

- used their communication tools to make 'Matilda's chocolate cakes'

- enjoyed a 'Technicolour Dreamcoat' Attention Autism and Art session

- shared stories and Musical songs using Grid 3


We saw some fabulous outfits throughout the day too. It was a busy, but very successful day!
