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Watling View School

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Latest News

Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Easter Egg Hunt

    Wed 24 Mar 2021

    At the end of the Spring Term we held our annual Easter Egg Hunt outside in the playground.


    The classes went outside in their bubbles staggered over time and were greeted by not one, but two bunnies and they even brought along their carrot to snack on during the hunt! Chocolate eggs and toys were hidden around the playground for the children to find and picture matching eggs were hidden for Bluebells and Explorers to find and match.


    Everyone had a lovely time and luckily the weather was dry for all classes to be able to participate.

  • Literacy Week

    Mon 01 Mar 2021

    The whole school joined in to celebrate Literacy Week last week, with a range of activities taking place across the week in individual classes with different themes each day in order to develop and encourage student’s literacy skills in fun, stimulating and challenging ways.

    Monday saw a ‘fine motor’ theme, with classes encouraged to take part in a range of activities developing their fine motor skills.

    Tuesday classes were invited into the gym individually to take part in a ‘Literacy Treasure Hunt’, searching for objects, photos, symbols and words that were hidden around the gym.

    On Tuesday, parents were also invited to a parental workshop all about developing their children’s reading at home and our new reading records were launched.

    Wednesday was ‘All About Instructions’ day, with students taking part in cooking activities, and following a set of instructions as independently as possible to make cheese and ham toasted sandwiches or letter shaped shortbread, in preparation for adulthood.

    Thursday was a highlight, with World Book Day being celebrated throughout the school, this year we had a ‘Julia Donaldson’ theme and students were invited to dress up as their favourite Julia Donaldson character. In the afternoon, classes and home learners and their families were invited onto a zoom call to watch each class as they acted out part of a Julia Donaldson book chosen by the class.

    Finally, on Friday, Bluebells, Explorers, Daisies, Buttercups, Discoverers, Tulips, Sunflowers and Daffodils and those learning at home all enjoyed a virtual interactive storytelling session by ‘Bamboozle Theatre Company’, the students all loved their trip down the river, set against a backdrop of music. Adventurers and Voyagers also enjoyed a water themed sensory story in the library, where they learnt all about the importance of keeping our oceans clean. 
