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Watling View School

Be Kind | Be Safe | Be Responsible

Be the best you can

w/e 15 December 2023

Ava engaged well during our triangle lesson. She counted the sides of the triangle and walked around a giant triangle marked out on the floor. After circle time, Ava followed instructions to sit at the table to decorate a triangular biscuit. Ava followed verbal prompts to pour icing onto her biscuit and add her triangle sprinkles. Ava looked, smelt and tasted the sprinkles. Once Ava had finished decorating her biscuit, an adult asked her to comment on it. Ava said “Christmas tree” and pointed at the triangles.

Jannah loved our trip to the garden centre to visit Santa and have a ride on the train. She was so happy when meeting Santa and loved looking at all the decorations.

Thomas was able to independently use the grid 3 player to tell us about his evening. He used “I” and “and” to link his sentence. He was focused on the options and took his time to choose from the options available.

Ibrahim was able to eye point to show that he wanted to try chocolate custard for his taster during the Christmas dinner. He was able to express enjoyment of his tasters by repeatedly sticking his tongue out when asked if he wanted more. Ibrahim was also able to vocalise ‘go’ when given the prompt ‘ready,steady’ when pulling a cracker with staff and he moved his head forward independently to watch what would happen when the cracker was pulled. He engaged with both activities for anywhere between 30 seconds and 3 minutes.

Today, Discoverers went to the cafe for a Christmas party. The pupils got to choose what they wanted for lunch in a maths lesson earlier in the week. We got to choose we wanted from the buffet. David was able to wait his turn to go up and choose. David was very happy during our party and enjoyed his dinner.

Natalia enjoying her lunch in the hall for the special Christmas dinner. Natalia was happy to transition into the hall and stay there during Christmas dinner. She ate her packed lunch but she enjoyed the special Christmas pudding (a chocolate cupcake with icing).

Levi having a fantastic time during Christmas dinner in the hall. He enjoyed his food and waited for his pudding.
