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Watling View School

Be Kind | Be Safe | Be Responsible

Be the best you can

w/e 20 October 2023

Lilien attended well during our phonics lesson-‘t’. She watched closely as the adult used a tea bag, tea cup and tea pot to make a cup of tea. Lilien held her symbols and labelled each one when they were handed to her and labelled by the adult. After circle time, Lilien joined her friends at the table and explored all the objects and symbols. The adult used some coloured sand to form a ‘t’ and Lilien watched each time the adult made her marks without crying or saying “finished”.

Ilias enjoyed brushing the big teeth, with no prompts or support.


Bailey-Mae participated in a story massage and engaged really well with this. She then had an I see board and was able to identify what she saw on the board from a choice of 2. She matched symbol to picture with reduced support, very engaged.

Jacob was able to match the correct shapes in the correct places and trace his name on his work with no physical or verbal prompts.

We have been using a weighted vest to support Ohen with his self regulation. This morning, Ohen began to become frustrated and upset. He walked over to the pegs where we keep the weighted vest, picked it up and handed it to an adult, indicating that he wanted to wear it. This is the second time Ohen has requested his weighted jacket when he is in the yellow zone. The adult put the jacket on for him and he stood rocking from side to side him until he was visibly more calm.
