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Watling View School

Be Kind | Be Safe | Be Responsible

Be the best you can

w/e 27/01/23

David was able to point to single symbols when identify which animal he could hear and see from Dear Zoo. David was more confident in identifying which animal he could see and was able to do this independently but needed a choice of two from which to hear.

Zain had a lovely time at Nando’s, he used the communication board to choose what he wanted from the menu and ate all his food. He was also able to use the the frozen yogurt machine on his own with no prompts.

James read the recipe for making lemonade and was able to identify the key words. He independently pour the liquid to the correct measurement line whilst working with a peer. He had some verbal prompts to count the correct amount (4) of sugar to add.

Elliott learning to pay for a snack with his earnings from working in the cafe.

Elsie was asked to look at a picture of a café and then answer questions describing it. She could name individual objects, such as “table” and “chair”, but was not sure of who the waitress was or what a café is. She described the ice-cream as “yummy” and the man as “happy”.

William used the Grid 3 app to build a cake. With some verbal prompting and hand jesters from a member of staff, he was able to select the type of cake and decorate it. He then formed a sentence about the cake. He played back the sentence he had made.
