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Watling View School

Be Kind | Be Safe | Be Responsible

Be the best you can

LPPA Award (Leading Parent Partnership Award)

Watling View are pleased to have been accredited in the Leading Parent Partnership Award. Over the past 18 months, the school has been gaining evidence to go towards this award and in December we the school received the final monitoring visit. 


The report highlighted some of the following strengths within the school.


Parents are offered a wide range of information on their child’s learning and progress. General curriculum coverage is provided, for example through half termly summaries and information on the website. Information on learning and progress reflects the very individual needs of each child. Examples include daily written 2 way communication through professionally produced, thoughtfully designed home school diaries and the Evidence for Learning app (EFL). Personalised Learning Goals are shared every term, Annual Reviews can be in school or virtual depending on parents preference and teacher ‘drop-ins’ are regularly available.


The range of events for parents to come into school is established and embedded with a programme of events during the year and a calendar of events for each term during this academic year is already posted on the website. The school is clear about the focus and priorities of different types of events

and pupils knew of a range of events, such as sports days, performances and sibling mornings. The Parent School Association has raised funds for facilities such as a courtyard garden and areas for learning and play and also provides opportunities for parents to be involved in the life of the school.


We are pleased with the result of this and want to continue to build on our partnerships with our parents and carers. 
